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Contributing to Bulgur Cloud

Thanks for even considering contributing to Bulgur Cloud, we appreciate you!

There are several ways you can contribute to Bulgur Cloud in.

Suggestions, ideas, questions

We have a Gitter community where you can ask questions, share ideas, discuss Bulgur Cloud, or keep up with development. You can join on matrix.

Bug reports

If you encounter bugs, you can report bugs on Github. You're not sure it's a bug? Ask on our community!


The Bulgur Cloud documentation (the website you are on right now!) is a collaborative document. If you see something missing, or something that could be improved, you can edit the page by clicking the "Edit this page" button at the bottom of the page.

If you are a bit more technically inclined, you can clone the docs repository and edit it with your preferred editor or IDE. This is the better choice if you want to make a lot of changes or add new pages, as you'll be able to see a full preview.


Bulgur Cloud is an open source project, and contributions are welcome. The project repository has a list of issues, feel free to pick up any that look interesting! You can leave a comment to ask for clarification or help if you need it.

If you have any new features you'd like to implement, you can do that as well. You should first open a new issue and describe the feature to get feedback on it, especially if it's a big feature that will take a lot of effort.